When you got your new dentures, your dentist is likely to have told you to make sure to keep your teeth moist when you aren't wearing them. While you may have got in the habit of doing this, say by soaking your teeth in water when you aren't wearing them at night, you may occasionally forget to put your dentures in water. Why is this a problem and how can you fix dry dentures?
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You're staying at a relative's house, and you've forgotten your toothbrush. If you don't have time to leave their house to go shopping for a new toothbrush, you can make do without it. Here are a few brushing alternatives to try:
1. Brush with toothpaste and your finger.
If you can find a bit of toothpaste in your relative's bathroom, just put a dollop on your finger and use that to brush your teeth.
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While your toothless darling's oral hygiene may not be high on your priority list in the first months after you give birth, this is something you should think about from day one. Babies aren't born with the kinds of bacteria in their mouths that can give them dental problems later like tooth decay; however, these bacteria may be introduced into a baby's system via the people who look after them.
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If you have sore areas of skin around the corners of your mouth that become cracked and painful, then you may be suffering from angular cheilitis. This condition is typically caused by a yeast infection that takes hold in folds of skin around your mouth that may be exposed to moisture. In some cases, your dentures may be at the root of the infection rather than a medical issue. How can you tell if your dentures are giving you angular cheilitis?
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If you're having problems dealing with bad breath, you may find that oil pulling helps freshen up your mouth and makes it smell better. How does oil pulling work on your breath and is it the best solution to use for halitosis problems?
Where Does Bad Breath Come From?
Bad breath may be a relatively temporary problem that is caused by your diet. For example, if you eat something that has a lot of onions in it, the onions may linger on your breath the next day.
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