5 Factors That Can Increase Your Chance of Suffering from Tooth Decay
Several factors may explain why one individual who is more vigilant about oral hygiene may suffer from more episodes of tooth decay when compared to another person who isn't as vigilant about dental hygiene. This article discusses some of those risk factors that contribute to the development of tooth decay.
Oral Bacteria
Oral bacteria feed on the food particles that stick to the teeth. That bacteria secretes acids that can gradually erode the surface of the teeth until the living tissues inside the teeth are exposed to the microbes. Different people have different combinations of oral bacteria. Some of the strains present in your mouth may be those that cause the rapid development of cavities in your teeth.
Your Diet
Another factor that may be predisposing you to the development of tooth decay is your diet. People who eat a lot of sugary foods and drinks may be more likely to develop cavities when compared to those whose food intake contains fewer sugars and carbohydrates. Sugary foods provide food that accelerates the growth of bacteria in the mouth. Furthermore, acidic foods damage the enamel until bacteria gains entry into the living tissues inside the teeth.
Dry Mouth
People who suffer from dry mouth are more likely to suffer from tooth decay. This is because their mouths are denied the protective effects that saliva has. For instance, saliva has minerals that neutralise any acids that may be present in the mouth. Thus, dry mouth increases the chance that acids will remain in your mouth and damage the teeth until tooth decay develops.
Tooth Shape
Each person's teeth, especially the back teeth, have fissures that can trap food particles as you eat. Those with bigger fissures are more likely to develop tooth decay than those with smaller fissures. This is because the bigger fissures trap more food particles than the small fissures. Genetics may be the biggest factor that determines how deep each person's fissures are.
Gum Recession
People with receding gums are more likely to suffer from tooth decay. This is because the roots of that individual's teeth are more exposed to the attack of oral bacteria when compared to another person whose gums haven't receded.
As you can see, many factors may be contributing to the development of the tooth decay affecting you. Visit a dental clinic near you so a professional can suggest the appropriate measures you can take to reduce the impact of the predisposing factors that you have.