Taking Your Child on Road Trips: 3 Dental Tips for Maintaining that Perfect Smile

To fully enjoy all of the beautiful landscape that Australia has to offer, take a road trip. There are a lot of places to go, especially when you consider the fact that Australia's Highway 1 is the longest in the world, as it spans over 25,000 kilometers. A family road trip with the kids can be a lot of fun; however, it's important that you take extra precautions in maintaining the children's dental health when on the road, as dental health is easily neglected. Here are 3 dental tips you should consider implementing when taking a road trip with the kids.

Have Your Kids Pack Their Own Dental Supplies

To instill good dental habits in your children, make sure you get them to pack their own dental supplies in their own backpacks. Tell them to pack a toothbrush or two for the road with their toothpaste of choice, some floss and even mouthwash. Choose a toothbrush that comes with a cap on the ends. This protects the bristles from germs and even from dirt and debris. Explain the importance of each of the dental supplies that are needed on the trip. Make sure that the dental supplies are packed separately in their own sealed plastic bag to prevent them from getting contaminated with germs.

Get Them to Brush After Every Meal or When Making Pit Stops

Finding the time to brush and floss when on the road can be difficult, especially when bathrooms and washrooms are not easily accessible. As a result, it's important to take advantage of any washrooms you may come across. If you'll be eating at a local diner or restaurant, have your kids brush and floss their teeth in the washrooms after every meal. If you'll be on the road all night, make sure you wake your children up when you reach pit stops. Even if they don't need to the washroom, encourage them to brush and floss.

Take Note of Emergency Family Dental Clinics that Can Be Easily

Anything can happen on road trips. Your children can stumble and knock a tooth out, or they might even get a cavity on the trip. It's important to deal with all dental problems as soon as possible. Be prepared for emergencies and worst-case scenarios by taking note, and keep a list of all of the emergency family dental clinics that can are nearby. If possible, ask your family dentist to give you a copy of everyone's dental records. These records can make emergency dental visits become less of a hassle.


While taking a road trip through Australia can be a lot of fun, it's important to be prepared – especially when it comes to you and your children's dental health. Make sure that dental supplies are one of the first things you pack. 
