
When Your Dentist Tells You That You Have an Overjet

When your upper teeth protrude over your lower teeth, you probably assume that you have an overbite, and you might have decided to do something about it. But what about when your dentist informs you that you actually have an overjet? Overbites and Overjets There are some key similarities between an overbite and an overjet. An overbite occurs when the upper dental arch essentially overhangs the lower arch, making your upper incisors more prominent. Read More 

Is It Possible for a Dental Filling to Fail?

The great thing about dental fillings is the ease and speed with which they correct a problem. You can walk into your dentist's office with a cavity, and walk out before too long without the cavity, safely treated with a dental composite tooth-coloured filling or a dental amalgam metal filling. Needing additional work on a filling is a rare occurrence, but it's not completely impossible. It's mostly deeper or larger fillings that are more likely to experience complications, but these complications can certainly be reversed. Read More 

When You Might Need Wisdom Teeth Removal

The two most common reasons why your dentist may recommend the removal of a wisdom tooth is impaction and severe tooth decay. Impaction – There are circumstances where a wisdom tooth can fail to erupt from your gums correctly (it erupts angled or at the wrong position) or remain embedded inside your gums. Such a wisdom tooth can cause many problems if left untreated; your dentist mostly recommends dental surgery to remove the tooth. Read More 

Do your dentures need a rapair?

For most people, planning and eating a meal is easy. You simply go to the cupboard and select whatever ingredients you need to prepare your dish. When it is ready, you sit and eat it without any difficulty. However, if you have teeth that are damaged or missing, then you soon realise that what may seem like a simple procedure actually relies on a strong set of teeth to make the operation successful. Read More 

Ever Thought Your Teeth Are Too Small?

You probably know that the majority of an iceberg is actually under the surface of the water, which is where referring to something as just the tip of the iceberg comes from. Your teeth are not like an iceberg, and yet there can still be enough of the tooth beneath the surface of your gums to reveal. But why would you want to display the parts of your teeth, that have been concealed beneath your gums? Read More